Parent Policy
SNG is a Year-Round Program. Our tuition accrues monthly and is due on the first class of each month. Payment must be made regardless of the child’s attendance while enrolled. If you are planning for your child to be away from school for longer than two weeks, please notify the office in advance to adjust tuition for your convenience.
Our tuition fees are based on four-week months. During months with five weeks, classes will usually be held to be used for make-up classes or for holidays.
Payments are due on the 1st of each month. A $5 late fee will be applied for tuition not received by the 10th of each month.
NO payment should be left at the school unless authorized by SNG
There is a $40 fee on all returned checks through electronic fund transfer from your account if your payment is returned unpaid.
Once enrolled, you must call or email our office to withdraw your child. If you fail to notify us directly, billing will continue to accrue for which you are responsible. Please be courteous and provide a two-week notice if you plan to remove your child from Stretch-N-Grow by calling our office at 601-376-9160 or email SSherrill@stretch-n-grow.com. Stretch-N-Grow reserves the right to withdraw your child if tuition is two or more months behind.
Children should be dressed for action! This includes loose fitting clothing and athletic shoes. Dresses and sandals are prohibited. Leotard, tights and ballet shoes are not required, but recommended be worn to class.